But in thinking about the issue of gay marriage, it seems to me that its legitimization is inevitable because the primary basis for opposing it is religious. To be sure, there are some very good philosophical arguments based on the concept of natural law, but they're simply not sufficient to overcome the plea from the GBLT community for equality under law. But in our society now, no law can be justified from a religious perspective. It's a false notion in my mind, but that's reality.
What gives me great pause with this issue is that Dawn, the lady I refer to above, says there is a lot of social science that backs her claim that homosexual households are in general very harmful for children. The problem is that if you try and make this argument, you will be immediately dismissed as a hate-monger, bigot, homophobe, etc. Also, even if the data do show a larger than normal negative trend, I have a feeling that that wouldn't be enough to stop states and countries from legalizing gay marriage.
One reason for this is our overwhelming desire to NOT persecute GLBT folks. That desire is so strong now we are bending over backwards (excuse the pun) to accommodate their demands regardless of how they might harm our larger society. We're not even taking the time to study the effects of things like gay marriage before jumping onto the pro-gay marriage bandwagon. We are also ignoring considerable scientific evidence of the dangers and harmful effects of the gay lifestyle while we being implementing pro-homosexual agendas in our schools (I love how liberals always deride conservatives for thinking there is a "homosexual agenda" when there most clearly is! Just check out our current Czar for school safety, a noted homosexual activist).
Also, the desire to NOT be called a bigot or homophone is so strong that people just stay quiet, leaving the arena free for the very loud, very active GLBT activists to impose their will on society at large.
Of course, the other driver here is our society's lack of concern for the welfare of children. Whether we talk about the prevalence of divorce, abortion, the difficulty of adoption, the acceptance of highly sexualized entertainment, etc., the overriding trend is to favor the pleasure and satisfaction of adults to the detriment of children. So in this case, I almost never hear the interests of the children being brought in the midst of debates on gay marriage.
Finally, homosexuals have a point when they say heterosexual marriage isn't some sort of paragon of morality. The high rates of divorce and the general denigration of marriage in our society has sort of brought low marriage as an institution. I've heard homosexuals say that as a result, how can we dare deny them this rather debased, culturally less-important institution when we let people like Britney Spears get married so frivolously? It's not a bad point, as much as I hate to admit it.
My main concern here is that large numbers of children raised in gay households will be harmed and their well-being sacrificed for the supposed good of allowing homosexuals to marry. But if this does happen, I am also sure that we won't be able to turn back. Yet another tragic situation for our children.
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